
Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden, New Jersey, who is Succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Joseph Williams

#BreakingNews Military Junta Sets Fire Destroying Beautiful St Patrick's Cathedral in Myanmar

LISTEN to This Day God Gives Me - Beautiful Hymn Attributed to Saint Patrick a Gaelic Tune to Touch Your Heart!

Catholic Bishops of Ireland Unite in Prayer for Peace on the Feast Day of Saint Patrick their Patron Saint - FULL TEXT

Powerful Prayer to St. Patrick - NOVENA to Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland, Nigeria, New York, Monserrat and Engineers

Traditional St. Patrick’s Day RECIPE - Irish Soda Bread - EASY to Make!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday in Lent, March 17, 2025 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Patrick - Real Story of Saint Patrick from Slave to Saint! Patron Saint of Ireland, Nigeria, New York, Engineers, Against Snakes - VIDEO - Saint March 16

BREAKING Pope Francis' 1st Photo from Inside Hospital after the Pope Concelebrated Sunday Holy Mass

WATCH a Catholic Movie Online : St. Patrick The Irish Legend with Actor Pat Bergin

LISTEN to a Heavenly "Locus Iste" by Anton Bruckner Sung by VOCES 8 in Les Dominicans de Haute-Alsace

Pope Francis in Angelus from Hospital says Jesus shows the "light of His infinite love" and "Let us continue to pray for peace" FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : 2nd Lent Sunday, March 16, 2025 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Heribert Archbishop of Cologne - Patron Saint of Rain - Saint March 16

UPDATE Pope Francis' Health is Improving but He Continues to Need Hospital Care

PRAY the Powerful Prayer before a Crucifix to Gain a Plenary Indulgence in Lent which Dates back to 1205 AD

Saintly Artemide Zatti was a Nurse who Tirelessly Helped the Sick - through whose Intercession a Miraculous Healing Occurred! Saint March 15

Pope St. Zachary Helped the Poor and Restored Churches in Rome - Saint of March 15

Pope Francis Initiates New 3-Year Synod Process to Culminate in an Ecclesial Assembly in 2028

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday March 15 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Louise de Marillac the Foundress of the Sisters of Charity - Patron Saint of Disappointing Children, Rejected by Religious Orders, Social Workers - Saint March 15