Continued from March 8 is our list of
TOP CATHOLIC WOMEN. by Miriam Westen
11. ST. MARY MAGDALENE lived during the 1st Century AD. She was one of the followers of Jesus Christ. Her feast is celebrated on July 22. She is mentioned in the Gospels as a repentant sinner who Jesus cleansed of 7 evil spirits. Mary Magdalene was with Mary, the mother of Jesus, during his crucifixion and death. She is a model of conversion from a life of sin to love of Jesus.

12. ST. HELENA, mother of Constantine, live in the 200s-330 AD. She was wife of Emperor Constantius and mother of Emperor Constantine. She converted to Christianity and influenced her son's conversion. This began the acceptance of Christianity in the Roman empire and the world. She had Churches built and discovered the relic of the true Cross. Her feast is August 18.
13. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, was born in Italy on March 25, 1347. She was the youngest of 24 children; to Lapa and Giacomo. She saw visions of Christ from an early age and consecrated herself to Jesus at the age of 7. She became a Dominican Tertiary. She lived in a small room in her parents house and cared for the sick, poor, and sinners. She travelled and gave advice to many; including Pope Urban VI. She suffered many ailments and offered them up for the Church in union with Christ. She died on April 29, 1380 at the age of 33. Her feast April 30.
14. ST. TERESA OF AVILA, was born in Spain, on March 28, 1515. She was 1 of 10 children to a wealthy businessman. She entered a Carmelite monastery in 1535. She became very ill during these early years and almost died. Teresa began to have great visions of Jesus. She began a reform of the Carmelites and founded a new convent. Her writings on union with God;
The Way of Perfection and
The Interior Castle are popular to this day. She died on Oct. 4, 1582. Her feast day is Oct. 15.
15. BL. KATERI TEKAKWITHA, was born in Auriesville, New York, in 1656, to the Mohawk tribe. Her mother died when she was 4 from Small Pox, which also disfigured the face of Kateri. Kateri converted during her teen years and was baptised at the age of 20. She moved to a Canadian colony; where she served the poor, sick and elderly natives. Kateri had a devotion to the Eucharist. Kateri is known as the "Lily of the Mohawks". She died on April 17, 1680. Her feast is July 14; and will be canonized in Oct. 2012. Her dying words: “Jesos konoronkwa!” “Jesus, I love you!”

16. ST. HEDWIG, duchess of Silesia. She was born in 1174, in Trebnitz, formerly part of Germany, but now of Poland. Two of her brothers were bishops. At the age of 12 years she was married to Henry I, Duke of Silesia. They had 7 children together and founded religious institions. She took care of the poor, sick and sinners. She died on October 15, 1243. Her feast is October 16.
17. ST. MONICA was the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. She was from Africa and married to Patritius an official of Tagaste now Algieria, Africa. He was a pagan and of ill temperment. They had 3 children. Through much prayer and suffering on Monica's part, her husband was converted to Christianity before his death. She then tried to convert her wayward son, Augustine, with prayers for 17 years. A bishop seeing her crying in prayer said to her "the child of those tears shall never perish". He eventually converted and became a great Saint. She died in 387 and her feast is on August 27.
18. ST. BERNADETTE Soubirous, was born on January 7, 1844 in Lourdes, France. She was the eldest of 5 children. They were a very poor family. She is known for her visions of Our Lady of Lourdes, from February 11-July 16, 1858. Mary called herself the "Immaculate Conception" during the visions. The healing waters of Lourdes that sprung from the apparition site have produced many miraclous healings. Millions continue to visit the Lourdes site. St. Bernadette's body has remained incorrupt since death on April 16, 1879. Her feast is on April 16.

19. ST. CLARE of Assisi, was born on July 16, 1194. She was born in Assisi, Italy as Chiara. Clare's father wanted her to marry; but at the age of 15 after hearing a sermon of St. Francis she entered the Benedictines. She later founded an order of religious called the
Order of Poor Ladies which came to be known as the Poor Clares. This is the 1st monastic order to have been founded by a woman. She died on August 11, 1253. Her feast is on August 11.
20. ST. JOAN of Arc, was born in 1412 in Eastern France. She was a peasant girl who received visions to help the French army drive England out. She then led them Joan was captured by the English and burned at the stake at age 19. She died on May 30, 1431. She was canonized in 1920. Her feast is May 30. (IMAGES: GOOGLE/BLOGS)