(image source: GOOGLE)
Laity And Parishes
There are 77.7 million1 Catholics in the United States2 (22% of the U.S. population), and nearly 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.3

New Church Members 4

  • Infant baptisms: 793,103
  • Adult baptisms: 43,692
  • Received into full communion: 76,588

Percentage of Ethnic/Racial Groups in the United States5

Hispanic Catholics

  • 50.5 million Hispanics live in the United States or 16% of thetotal U.S. population, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.6
  • Approximately 39% of U.S. Catholics are Hispanic.7
  • 64% of Hispanics who identify as Catholic attend church services regularly.8
  • 29 of the nation’s 272 active bishops are Hispanic.9
  • 15% of the priests ordained in 2012 are Hispanic.10
  • More than 50% of all Catholics in the United States under age 25 are of Hispanic/Latino descent.11
  • Since 1960, 71% of the U.S. Catholic population growth has been due to the growth in the number of Hispanics in the U.S. population overall.12
  • 68% of Hispanics in the U.S. consider themselves Roman Catholics.13

African American Catholics

  • There are 2.5 million African American14 Catholics.
  • 798 parishes are predominantly African American, 75 of which have African American pastors. Approximately 225 priests, 400 sisters and 437 deacons are African American.15
  • There are 16 (8 active) African American bishops.16

Native American Catholics

There are 4.1 million people who identify themselves as Native American; 493,615 of these Native Americans, or 12% of the total population, are considered Catholic. Currently, there is one Native American bishop in active service in the United States: Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap, of Philadelphia.17

Asian and Pacific Islander Catholics

  • Asian and Pacific Islanders account for about 2.6% of all Catholics in the U.S. The U.S. Asian Pacific population with the largest number of Catholics is the Filipino community, followed by the Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian and Korean communities.18
  • 9% of ordinands in 2012 are of Asian or Pacific Islander background.19
  • There are 6 Asian Pacific Islander bishops, one of whom is retired.20

Catholic Parishes

Total number of parishes21 in the U.S: 18,061. There also are 628 pastoral centers and 2,627 missions. And 87 new parishes opened their doors in 2011.

Did you know?

  • The average number of registered households in U.S. parishes has grown to 1,168. A third of parishes now have more than 1,200 registered households.22
  • The average number of weekend Masses per parish has increased from 3.5 in 2000 to 3.8 in 2010.23
  • The average number of people attending Mass on a typical weekend at a Catholic parish is 1,110.24
  • 40% of the increase in registered parishioners from 2005 to 2010 was among Hispanic Catholics.25
  • 15% of parishes had 200 or fewer households in 2010.26
  • 29% of parishes celebrate Mass at least once a month in a language other than English. 81% of those Masses are in Spanish. Overall, about 6% of Masses (weekday and weekend) are celebrated in Spanish in the United States.27
  • At least 4,800 parishes or about 25% have Hispanic ministry.28
  • 37% of parishes indicate that they have some special observance for particular cultural or ethnic groups in the parish.29
  • The estimated number of lay ecclesial ministers (lay persons paid in ministry for at least 20 hours per week) in the United States is approximately 38,000 (2.1 per parish). 14% of these are vowed religious and 86% are other lay persons.30
  • Priests1

    There are 40,203 diocesan and religious-order priests in the
    United States:
    • 27,125 diocesan priests
    • 12,593 religious-order priests (Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, etc.)
    • 485 new priests ordained in 2011
    • 39,718 total number of priests in dioceses


    There are 5,015 seminarians enrolled in the United States:
    • 3,346 enrolled in diocesan seminaries
    • 1,669 enrolled in religious-order seminaries

    Permanent Deacons3

    There are 17,816 men who have been ordained as permanent deacons in the United States.
    • Vowed Religious4
    • Sisters: 55,045
    • Brothers: 4,518

    Did you know?

    • The average age of men ordained to the priesthood is trending younger with the median age for the 2012 class at 31.Two-thirds of the class is between the ages of 25 and 34.5 1
    • Almost 3 in 10 ordinands were born outside the United States, with the largest numbers coming from Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico, Poland and the Philippines. On average, ordinands who were born in another country came to the United States in their early 20s. Between 20 and 30% of ordinands for the diocesan priesthood for each of the last ten years were born outside the United States.6
    • Before entering the seminary, 6 in 10 ordinands completed
      college (61%).
    • 16% of ordinands entered the seminary with a graduate degree, and 1 in 3 or 29% entered the seminary while in college.7

    Religious Retirement
