Remembering the Rwanda Genocide after 20 years - Pray for families

CISA NEWS REPORT: KIGALI, April 01, 2014 (CISA) -CAFOD will join parishes across the country to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide on Sunday, April 6. In 1994, CAFOD helped lead the response and recovery that followed the genocide, supported by £6 million in donations sent in by the Catholic community in England and Wales.
In the 100 days that followed the assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana on  April 6 1994, it is estimated that an average of six people were killed every minute of every hour of every day, while the international community failed to intervene.
CAFOD Director Chris Bain, who worked in refugee camps in what was then Zaire in the aftermath of the genocide, said: “What happened 20 years ago was not just one of the most horrific crimes in history, but one of the greatest abdications of global leadership. Many renowned figures should hang their heads in shame this month. Rwanda burns in the consciousness of the world, but it should burn on the conscience of our governments.
“By contrast and as always, aid agencies – including CAFOD – did not stand by and watch. Supported by the incredible, spontaneous generosity of the Catholic community, we did all we could to comfort the survivors, help the refugees, and begin the long, slow process of rebuilding peace.
“For those of us who worked inside Rwanda and the camps on its borders, the passage of time will never erase the dehumanizing work we had to do, the horrific sights we had to see, and the terrible stories we had to hear. But – on behalf of the hundreds of thousands who died – we live to bear witness, and demand that what happened in Rwanda can never happen again.
“I am lost in admiration for the amazing people – mainly women – who, with the support of CAFOD and other agencies, have rebuilt Rwanda’s communities over the last 20 years, never forgetting their own terrible memories, experiences and losses, but finding the inner strength to forgive and move forward.”
“Our vigils, prayers and reflections on April 6th will unite us with these brave women, and say that – with each anniversary that passes – we will not just remember Rwanda as one of the worst genocides in our lifetimes, but re-double our determination that it will be the last.”
Beyond the immediate needs to get food, water and medical help to survivors of the genocide and refugees, CAFOD’s longer term work in Rwanda focused on supporting orphans’ and widows’ organisations; establishing community peace building and reconciliation; providing legal advice for survivors to get justice for the murders of loved ones and the destruction of property; and medical support and counseling for people affected by HIV and AIDS.
Over the weekend of April 5-6, CAFOD is providing prayers, films and other resources to help those parishes and communities who are marking the anniversary at their services through bidding prayers, candlelight vigils, and other commemorations.
