Cute Little Girl Loves her Unborn Sister in #UltraSound - A #ProLife Child Witness

A new video of a little girl watching her unborn sister move on an ultrasound screen has gone viral. The Daily Mail reported that 2-year-old Myla accompanied her mother, Carly Tansley, to her 16-week ultrasound appointment. Carly filmed her baby with her phone and then Myla walked up and hugged the ultrasound screen. Myla began crying and mumbling through her tears about “missing” her sister. “Oh, darling, it’s ok. You’re going to see her soon,” Carly said. “But I love her so much,” the little girl answered. Tansley posted the video on Facebook with Viral views. The girls’ father, Chris l’Anson, said Myla’s the little girl “pulls at your heart strings a little bit.” Her mother said: “I will definitely show her the video when they’re fighting and pulling each other’s hair. I really wasn’t expecting it. It made me well-up, but I was laughing too because it really affected her.” Tansley said Myla already is planning to give her sister some of her toys. The baby sister is due Nov. 4.
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